David Kubes

David Kubes

International Lawyer  |  Entrepreneur  |  Consultant & Coach

Dr. David Kubes is an international lawyer, avid entrepreneur, consultant, coach and certified facilitator of several Access Consciousness® special programs, including Business Done Different, Right Voice for You and Right Riches for You..

After graduating from law school, Dr Kubes finalized his PhD in aviation law at the age of 25, obtained his international lawyers license at the age of 28 and became one of Austria’s youngest lawyers. He specializes in aviation law, finance and international project management.

In May 2006 he opened his own law firm in Vienna and has built several other business enterprises, including his Access Facilitator business, an import-export company in Cuba, an Art Gallery in Vienna and his own real estate development company. 

Since 2017, Dr. Kubes is the international lawyer of Access Consciousness worldwide.

David Kubes is fluent in German, English, Spanish, Italian and French - a skill he believes has opened new opportunities for him in the international project development sector, and has allowed him to travel the world.

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Right Riches for You Beginning Class (with Foundation prerequisite)

If money was not the issue, what would you choose?

Access 3-Tage-Körperkurs

Was, wenn dein Körper ein Kompass oder Führer zu den Geheimnissen, den Rätseln und der Magie des Lebens wäre? Der Access Körperkurs ist dazu ausgelegt, einen Dialog mit deinem Körper zu eröffnen und eine Verbundenheit mit ihm zu schaffen, die dir erlaubt deinen Körper zu genießen, statt gegen ihn zu kämpfen und ihn zu missbrauchen.

Business ganz anders mit einem fortgeschrittenen JCF

Dieser Kurs ist wie kein anderer Businesskurs, den du besuchen kannst. Er ist anders. Er wird dich ermächtigen, über Business, Geld und Kreation zu wissen, was du weißt. Was weißt du?

Richtiger Reichtum für dich - Intermediate - 2,5-tägiger Kurs

Du hast kein Problem mit Geld, du hast ein Problem mit dem Empfangen - Gary Douglas